Michael E. Byczek 应用

Sell My Stuff 1.0
Do you want to sell your Android? Book? Art?Anything?This app creates a one-page contract for a buyer/seller toprepare for a transaction involving personal property (i.e.electronics, clothing, arts and craft, etc).Enter the buyer and seller's name and address. This versionallows up to three itemized descriptions with a price for eachitem.The document is immediately saved in HTML format to the externalstorage card on your device. When your device is connected to yourcomputer, turn on USB storage. From the computer open the deviceand open the bill of sale to print.The developer, Michael E. Byczek, is licensed to practice law inIllinois and a certified system administrator.
Copyright Registration 1.1
View a guide to U.S. copyright registrationwith videos, explanations, actual statutes, and actual examples ofregistered material. The developer, Michael E. Byczek, is alicensed Illinois attorney. His primary interest is intellectualproperty (patent, trademark, and copyright). It costs $35 to submitan application to the U.S. Copyright Office.
Marriage and Relationships 1.0
Cooperation. Teamwork. Negotiation. True forrelationships, marriage, and divorce.This app was designed by an attorney to explain how a divorceworks. The reality of property distribution, joint finances, andchild custody provides insight into the building blocks of arelationship.Divorce is among the worst experiences an individual will everface. Relationships are easy to get into and difficult to getout.Strangers will scrutinize your entire life using a courtroom inthe middle of you, your ex-spouse, and stacks of documents.Let an attorney show you how to stay out of divorce and keepyour relationship healthy. Learn how to cooperate as a team beforeyour marriage takes a turn for the worse. You might be surprisedabout the level of disclosure and effort that goes into ending arelationship. The more you know, the better chance of finding alife-long relationship.Read the basics of divorce law, breakdown of a maritalsettlement, provisions of a parenting agreement, actual statutes,statistics, and questions you'll be asked.See how financial debt is allocated, health care arranged,assets divided, custody awarded, and how to share parental rights,just to name a few.Michael E. Byczek is licensed to practice law in Illinois. He isalso an Apple certified mobility specialist and systemadministrator. The content is based on local cases, though moststates follow similar guidelines. Happiness is universal.
Copyright your Music 1.0
Are you a musician? Bang out a nifty tune?Whistle a few notes?Don't let anybody hear your music because that individual willrush to the Copyright Office to register your creation. Now, you'llhave to pay him/her each time you play the song!Unless... you get the copyright first!Copyrights are not expensive or difficult. It only costs $35 tosubmit an application to the U.S. Copyright Office.The purpose of this app is to point you in the right directiontowards protecting your original musical composition or soundrecording.View the basics of musical registration, including thedifference between musical compositions and sound recordings, thetype of copies needed to submit, what is the best edition, thebasics of musical copyrights, and more.A second tab provides the foundation of copyright law ingeneral, such as infringement and the registration process.The developer, Michael E. Byczek, is a licensed Illinoisattorney and Apple certified system administrator. His primaryinterest is intellectual property (patent, trademark, andcopyright).
Legal Will Tutorial #L 1.0
A tutorial for Illinois residents towritetheir own legal Will from LandofLincolnAttorneyServices.com,anonline law office of Michael E. Byczek (Chicago, IL).This version corresponds to scenarios for an unmarriedindividualwithout children. Pick a primary and alternatebeneficiary for allyour property.Also included is a self-proving affidavit, which is aone-pagedocument independent of the Will for the witnesses to signandnotarize in addition to the Will.The app is organized into separate pages for each provisionalongwith a sample Will to show how these sections fittogether:property, funeral, administrator, and more. Additionally,view somehelpful advice on how to format the document topreventmanipulation later.Michael E. Byczek is licensed to practice law in Illinois andacertified system administrator.
Unit Conversion 1.1
Use the graphical interface toconverttemperature, length, speed, weight, area, time, and fluidvolume.Actual conversion factors are available for eachcalculation.Enter the number you want to convert from in the firsttextboxand select the unit from the scroll option right underneaththeinput. For example, 1 hour. Then, select the unit to convertintofrom the second scroll option above the "Convert" button.Forexample, seconds. Press the button on the bottom of the screen.Theanswer will be displayed in the second text box.The following units are available for conversion:Temperature:FahrenheitCelsiusSpeed:foot/secondmile/hourkilometer/hourTime:secondminutehourdayyearLength:inchfootmilemeterkilometercentimetermillimeteryardArea:acresquare milesquare footsquare metersquare yardFluid Volume:gallonquartpintounceWeight:tonkilogramgrammilligramouncepoundThe developer, Michael E. Byczek, is a Apple certifiedsystemadministrator and mobility specialist.For more information:http://www.byczek.pro
Byczek Law 1.0
View flat fee legal services forpatent,trademark, copyright, real estate, wills, and contractsforIllinois residents and businesses.Michael E. Byczek is a licensed Illinois attorney and realestatebroker. He offers flat fee packages for common legalissues.This app represents an online store with each itemcorrespondingto a package with pricing information and adescription.
Legal Will Tutorial #A 1.0
A tutorial for Illinois residents towritetheir own legal Will from LandofLincolnAttorneyServices.com,anonline law office of Michael E. Byczek (Chicago, IL).This version corresponds to situations for a marriedindividualwith minor children. Your spouse is sole beneficiary ofallproperty. The children share equally as an alternative, ifyourspouse does not survive you. He/she is also sole guardian ofallthe children. Pick one alternate.Also included is a self-proving affidavit, which is aone-pagedocument independent of the Will for the witnesses to signandnotarize in addition to the Will.The app is organized into separate pages for each provisionalongwith a sample Will to show how these sections fittogether:guardianship, property, funeral, administrator, andmore.Additionally, view some helpful advice on how to formatthedocument to prevent manipulation later.Michael E. Byczek is licensed to practice law in Illinois andacertified system administrator.
Legal Will Tutorial #G 1.0
A tutorial for Illinois residents towritetheir own legal Will from LandofLincolnAttorneyServices.com,anonline law office of Michael E. Byczek (Chicago, IL).This version corresponds to situations for anunmarriedindividual with minor children. Your children are thesolebeneficiaries of all property (equally divided). Pick oneprimaryand one alternate guardian for the minor children.Also included is a self-proving affidavit, which is aone-pagedocument independent of the Will for the witnesses to signandnotarize in addition to the Will.The app is organized into separate pages for each provisionalongwith a sample Will to show how these sections fittogether:guardianship, property, funeral, administrator, andmore.Additionally, view some helpful advice on how to formatthedocument to prevent manipulation later.Michael E. Byczek is licensed to practice law in Illinois andacertified system administrator.
Copyright Procedure 1.1
View a guide to U.S. copyrightregistrationwith explanations, actual statutes, and actual examplesofregistered material. The developer, Michael E. Byczek, isalicensed Illinois attorney. His primary interest isintellectualproperty (patent, trademark, and copyright). It costs$35 to submitan application to the U.S. Copyright Office. Use thisguide to walkthrough the process of registration.
Famous Patents 1.1
Are you the next Thomas Edison,AlexanderGraham Bell, or the Wright Brothers?Who was the first person to patent the light bulb,television,camera, plastic, or modern electronics?Do you have the next great idea? Then take a tour through18famous inventions and patents (United States) that havetransformeddaily life.View the full text and all technical drawings for thefollowinginventions:The first patent ever granted (Pot Ash - 1790)First numbered patent (Railroad Engine - 1830)Camera (1840)Telephone (1876)Light Bulb (1880)Otto Engine (1887)AC Electricity Transmission (1888)Automobile (1895)Diesel Engine (1898)Airplane (1906)Plastic (1909)Television (1930)Transistor (1950 and 1951)Computer Mouse (1970)Visual Display Computer (Apple - 1979)Amazon One-Click Shopping (1999)Microsoft Playlist (2006)The patents are disclosed in tutorial format as case studiesofthe four primary federal requirements (search,application,drawings, and claims).Each category includes the relevant statutory section (U.S.Code)and Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to fully describe thelegalbackground. Each patent is broken down and formatted tocorrespondto these laws, rules, and application requirements.Due to changes in disclosure requirements, not allincludedpatents have the same format. For instance, the computermouse(1970) is the first patent in this application that is brokendowninto sections (i.e. abstract, background, etc). The earliestpatentin this set to have included references is theTransistor(1950).All trademarks used or cited are the property of theirrespectiveowners.The developer, Michael E. Byczek, is a licensed attorney intheState of Illinois and Apple certified system administrator. Heisin the process of registration with the United States PatentandTrademark Office.All patents were transcribed by hand using scannedimagesavailable from the USPTO. Some symbols were difficult todetermine,such as the difference between subscript 'e' and 'c',thereforesome transcription errors may be found.The U.S.C. is current as of October 18, 2010 based uponTheOffice of the Law Revision Counsel (LRC) classification tables.TheC.F.R. is current as of October 26, 2010 (GPO e-CFR).
Single with Adult Children 1.0
Express your final wishes about property and assets through a Will.
Married Without Children 1.0
Express your final wishes about property and assets through a Will.